At the start of 2021, MCEC embarked on a mission to grow its audiences on social media as per its new strategy adopted the year before. For Twitter, the goal was to grow from 56 to 80 followers by the end of 2021, and for LinkedIn from 356 to 500. We are only just entering the fourth quarter of this year, and we already have – at the time of writing – 84 and 443 followers, respectively. This means we must be doing something right!
Not only are our numbers increasing, but the engagement rates with MCEC content also remain above the industry average. This essentially means that people like our posts, follow the links, and repost or retweet them further. This encourages us to believe that we are addressing our audience with the right content. Thanks to those of you who have followed us and re-shared our posts and tweets. We really appreciate it!
To shed some light on the type of content we share, our group posts regularly on the benefits microbial control technologies have to offer, how antimicrobials contribute to sustainability, as well as our views on the EU regulatory landscape for biocides and chemicals. If this sounds of interest to you, make sure you join us on LinkedIn and/or Twitter and help us share our common messages. Together we can have a stronger impact. We look forward to engaging with you there!